Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Wordless Wednesday - Pompeii

 Last week I published a photo of one of the arches in Pompeii. Zinaida   and Natasha both said they would like to see more photos if I have them. I have sorted the best of them and will publish them over two or three weeks. I try not to get too many people in my photos, but somewhere like Pompeii is very difficult not to.

The next photos may appear gruesome but they are casts of some of the petrified bodies that were found during excavations. It was found that when the bodies decomposed a void was left in the volcanic material. Plaster was poured in so the casts are in fact a mixture of bone and plaster.

You can read more about it here.

It is hard to think they were all living almost 2000 years ago and their lives were snuffed out in an instant.

I am joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the blog hop.



  1. What nice photos would love to had visited there :-)

    Have a Pompeiitastic week Jackie 👍

  2. Thank you very much for taking our request into account!
    Impressive images ... Is the mountain seen in the background of one of the photos really Vesuvius?

    Have a fine day, Jackie!

    1. Yes that is Vesuvius. When it erupted the complete dome blew off. You can find a very good description here:

    2. Thanks so much for the information and for the link!

  3. What an interesting place to see and so very long ago! Mom has been to the Great Wall of China and learned that when workers died, they just put their bodies into the wall. That too was very long ago.

  4. What great shots and I didn't know about what they did to the bodies when they were excavated. Very interesting. One minute life was good and the next it was over.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  5. That must be en amazing place to vissit

  6. Ah, our internet went and my earlier comment with it. Thanks so much for sharing these amazing photos!

  7. Amazing photos. The ones of people are morbid, yet interesting. You have seen so many places in the world. XO

  8. Gorgeous and creative photos ~ such history too ~ Xo

    Living moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. It is certainly a reminder that we are not promised tomorrow. The question is, are we prepared to step into eternity?
    It is hard to imagine the splendor of the Roman empire and it's grand cities. If we could only turn back time for a visit. Great post. Have a blessed day.

  10. What amazing photos and an amazing place. Hard to comprehend death coming that fast, wow.

  11. I've been seeing a lot on Pompeii on TV lately. Those are beautiful shots.

  12. That is such an interesting place, we can't imagine what they went through.

  13. Beautiful ~ and amazing photos. I imagine you will be so glad when you can travel once again.

  14. Great shots Jackie! I've seen some of the architecture but not from these perspectives. I would love to be able to walk through history. It is quite amazing seeing these poor people (and animals) frozen in time. Thanks for sharing! You ROCK! And we hope you have a marvellously happy day!

  15. Awesome shots. There is so much history in all of those photos. We love seeing them because we are not likely to ever get there ourselves.

  16. The body casts are what intrigued me. Oh, to know the story of each of these people. It would be such an interesting read.

  17. So difficult to imagine such a catastrophe!
    Thank you for the images! Very impressive!
    Happy WW!

  18. Great photos and yes, how horrific for those poor people.

  19. Seems like a wonderful place to explore! :) <3

  20. That's a beautiful place. It gave me some sparkling feelings when we saw the pictures😸Pawkisses for a Happy Day🐾😽💞

  21. Absolutely amazing place......the most moving things to see are the "people"......one minute here, and the next gone.....

    Hugs, Pam

  22. I don't have the right words (even in my native language) 😊 to describe the feelings what these images induce me, especially about petrified bodies.
    It's a great place! Wow!

  23. Amazing photos. What a city it must have been I would love to go there

  24. Nice photos of a place I have not visited. They lived in a beautiful city of that time. :)

  25. Dear dear Jackie,

    Thank you so very much for for tagging me in this post. (Though I didn't get a tag notification for some odd reason) I'm so glad you shared this treasure with all of us. I have always been intrigued by Pompeii, and you know that.

    I'm sorry I could not swing by earlier as I was recovering from a health niggle. And I have missed most posts from that week.
    But these images are a bonus for me this weekend. They came to make me smile and feel grateful to have taken this journey along with you.

    What an intriguing city. Would love to hear some tales from you on Pompeii too.

    Thank you once again.

    Love, and joy. Stay well and stay safe. <3
    Adding this treasure to #WW too.


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