Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Wordless Wednesday - Stockholm Archipelago.

 These were taken between 5.00 and 5.30am. The sun rises so early that you get up much earlier. The further north we went it didn't set at all.

Sunrise over the Stockholm Archipelago which consists of over 30,000 islands and rock outcrops. Even some of the tiniest islands have a house on them!


Cormorant nests.

An early morning car and foot ferry.

Arrival in Copenhagen harbour.

I am joining the blog hop with Sandee at Comedy Plus.



  1. Such wonderful photos and I love that sunrise!

  2. Sunrise ... looks like liquid gold spill. It's a gorgeous photo!
    I think I would like to live for a while on a tiny island. 😊 Cormorants have their own island!
    The hotel building in the port seems very old! It's imposing.

    I wish you a beautiful day!

  3. I like that you give a little information about each image. My favorite: the cormorant rock. ☺

    Have a fine day, Jackie!

  4. Copenhagen is one of mom's favorite places in the world. She has been there many many times. The people are great and it is simply a wonderful city!

  5. What fab photos I also like you explain each image too, years ago I went up to Edinburgh in the summer I couldn't believe how late it stayed light compared to London

    Have a sunsettastic week Jackie 👍

  6. What a gorgeous photo that first one (the sunrise) was. So golden!

  7. The Stockholm Archipelago is a beautiful site. Have a blessed day.

  8. Beautiful photos. The nests remind me of heron nests. XO

  9. What an awesome capture of that sunrise!!! All the other photos are so nice too. We enjoyed seeing the cormorants.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  10. almost need to wear sunglasses to see the sunrise photo here on your blog; I can't imagine how bright it must be "in person"

    I could live on my own island :) ☺☺♥♥

  11. Beautiful shots. It must be most peaceful out there. The sun never going down would be a whole new experience for me.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  12. What an impressive place! Thank you for sharing these images!
    I wonder how could be the life on an island! Honestly, I have no imagination for this experience...
    Happy WW!

  13. lovely series. I like how days are long in the north.

  14. How beautiful! The scenery kind of reminds me of the Canadian West Coast, Especailly the cormorants. I can almost smell the ocean air! Thanks Jackie I needed this!

  15. These are so incredibly beautiful! Happy Wednesday! :) <3

  16. gorgeous colors in the sky in the first photo

  17. That's a great picture. Every time I see the word Copenhagen, I think of the song that Danny Kaye sang in his movie, "Wonderful, wonderful Copenhagen...". I loved the movie to say the least and the song was awesome!!!

  18. Such a stunning capture of that sunrise! Loved seeing the cormorants.

    Happy Thursday, Jackie.

  19. Beautiful sunrise. At 5am, the sky will still be very dark here.

  20. Thanks so much for sharing those beautiful photos. We loved them

  21. Awesome photos ~ what an adventure you and now us to see ~ thanks, Xo

    Live in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  22. lol, you went high enough to see the midnight sun. :) Lovely and a great shot!

  23. Absolutely FABULOUS photos......such a beautiful place!

    Hugs, Pam

  24. What lovely pictures, the sunrise is spectacular!

  25. Beautiful! If you get a chance to read this, i want you to know i am praying for you to recover and come home soon.


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