Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Wordless Wednesday

 First of all I have a confession. Last week I posted a photo of Boscastle and said it was Port Isaac. I have no idea what I was thinking as I have been to both places many times. This week the photos really are Port Isaac, or if you watch Doc Martin, Port Wenn.

Doc Martin's house/surgery.

I am joining the blog hop with Sandee at Comedy Plus.



  1. It is a pretty place and I could wander around there for a while!

  2. We would never have known the difference. Like Brian, we agree, it looks like a great place to take a long stroll.

  3. I love these old houses, with the windows divided into squares and the stone facade!

    Happy Wordless Wednesday, Jackie!

  4. I think it's a wonderful place! It seems to be the kind of place where all the people know each other. 😊

  5. Love the homes in the last photo. So very traditional looking.

  6. I always watch Doc Martin the scenery is always amazing like your photos of the area

    Have a prettytastic week 👍

    PS: Your forgiven for last week ;-)

  7. I've not watched that show, but now I might. What a fun place to explore.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  8. I had to look up Doc Martin. That sounds like a good show, maybe I will binge watch it this summer. Beautiful little village. XO

  9. These are really beautiful! :) <3

  10. I don't know who he is, but he has one awesome house; I assume the bigger of the two buildings is his house, the other, the surgery ??!! ☺☺♥♥

  11. I like a lot the stone facades.
    A special place! I love the green slope!
    Happy WW!

  12. Whatever the name it is a colorful place and great photos ~ Xo

    Living moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. Either way, I love the architecture! And, I'm sure the history of the town is fascinating.

  14. I have been to Boscastle too! But as the visit was so long ago I got them mixed up too! I LOVE your shots of Port Isaac. Alex was up at Pete Lake today and sent me a photo and I thought it was Taurus Lake, so I even do it with places I have been to in the last 5 years!

  15. I agree with Timmy Tomcat - we love it no matter!

    Happy Thursday, Jackie.

  16. Looks like a lovely place to live in.

  17. We are BIG Doc Martin fans and have often said we'd love to visit Port Wenn. I'm sure the people of Port Wenn wish it wasn't so popular with tourists though!

    Hugs, Pam

  18. It's been years since I visited there. A good place for me to go in staycation year! Delightful pics.

  19. seems like an interesting place to visit. Could be a place to spend a few days photographing :)

  20. WOW what a really cool looking place.


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