Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Wordless Wednesday

 I am  back after being in hospital for a few days last week after suffering two TIAs. There is a short update on my other blog and I will post another one this coming Friday.

I am limiting my computer time for a while but will try and return all comments. It may just take a bit longer than usual.

Replica trebuchet at Warwick Castle.

The replica trebuchet was built in 2005 and used on the days they have jousting tournaments.

Warwick Castle

I am joining the blog hop with Sandee at Comedy Plus.



  1. That is beautiful and we're happy to see you posting, but yes, limit that computer time and feel better. Hugs from all of us.

  2. Take good care, Jackie. Do take time to heal and rest. These shots are stunning and they made me one with nature.

    Sending you love and light.

    I'm live too:

  3. Fabulous photos as always!

    So glad to see you back, Jackie. I agree with Brian - rest as much as you can.

    Sending you lots of hugs and positive vibes.

  4. I agree beautiful photos nice views, I have never been there

    Good to hear your doing OK Jackie take it easy and rest have a good week my best wishes to you 👍

    I added you to my linky 👍

  5. So very happy that you are OK Jackie - these photos are absolutely gorgeous. That's really a lovely castle in a beautiful landscape.

    Hugs, Pam

  6. Glad to see you back! Jackie, I wish you good health! Take care of yourself!

  7. Glad you are back and we hope you are doing better. Take care.

  8. As always, so very lovely. Must look up the meaning of "trebuchet" ... funny, but I only know it as the name of a type font!
    Rest and quiet my friend, be well, luv ya!

  9. Glad you are home. No worries on returning comments- you need your rest. XO

  10. Beautiful shots. I'm so glad you're home and I agree that you should take it easy. All your friends will be fine if you don't visit or comment. Take care of you.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  11. Glad to see you again at WW!

    A wonderful place! The photos are great!

    I wish you all the best! Rest as much as possible! I want much you to feel better than I want you to visit my blog. ❤️

  12. Glad to here you. I wish you health and take care of you!
    Thank you for sharing these shots. I learned something new today.
    Happy WW and all the best.❤️

  13. I don't need to tell you, as you already know, that I have no sense; the "wheel" in photo
    two reminds me of a hamster wheel :)

    continued prayers ♥♥♥♥♥

  14. My son, when he was a teen, was fascinated by trebuchets. I'm thinking of you and will hope all the news from your testing is good. Don't worry about responding to my comment - rest, and regather your strength.

  15. Please take care of yourself ! We are glad you are able to be back.

  16. Beautiful landscape photos ~ Sending you lots of distant reiki healing energy hugs to be well soon ~ Xo

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  17. I would love to see this up close and personal! I am glad you are feeling better, but I will keep purraying.

  18. Wow! Touring castles is fascinating, especially if they do re-enacting.

    Please know i'm praying for you, and you have amnesty from having to respond to my comments or comment on my blog if you find you are doing too much and need to rest.

  19. I'd love to see a jousting tournament there! The nearest we have is the (normally) annual reenactment of the Battle of Hastings. Good to hear you're on the mend Jackie.

  20. Beautiful view of Warwick Castle. Glad you are back home. Take things easy, have plenty of rest.

  21. not sure what it is but it seems interesting :)

  22. Warwick was one of the first spots I visited and yearn to go back too. Hopefully soon!

  23. Oooh! I wonder if I could get a smaller one of those for Mrs H to use. To send her shopping list to the village shop rather than stem the flow of invaders, MOL
    Hopefully you'll be better soon. Till then, take it easy and enjoy sme rest and TLC.
    Purrs from Mrs H and ERin


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