Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Wordless Wednesday - Malaga

Firstly let me say that although this is a photo of a bullring I in no way support it, but it is a way of life there. I believe bull fights only take place in August which is what our cab driver told us. Catalonia has banned bull fighting, Maybe Andalusia and other regions will follow suit before too long.

I am joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the blog hop.


  1. What a great capture I have been to Malaga but years ago i loved it :-)

    Have a bullfightlesstastic week 👍

  2. It's a gorgeous view. Admittedly I can't understand that way of life, and would prefer it were banned, but I can respect the bull fighter's skill. We humans have always seemed to revel in violence and gore, no matter what our era or culture. It's one of the many things I don't understand about our species. So I'll just admire that view, especially the colour of the water! 🙂

  3. I've never seen a bullfight and i don't want to. I'm with you. A beautiful view of that city though.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Jackie. Love and hugs. ♥

  4. That's a very pretty view! I don't like bull fighting either.

  5. What a lovely shot of the area. The arena is nice, but bull fighting isn't for me either

  6. It's a very pretty view no matter what.

  7. What a strange place in the town. But I do not like this kind of spectacol. Too cruel!
    I love the blue water!
    Happy WW, Jackie! Have a fine week! ❤️😘

  8. I am glad places are starting to ban it and I hope they all will. XO

  9. it is an amazing photo, I spotted the harbor first. is the cruise ship you were on, out
    there in the middle of the coastline ? bullfighting is as bad as a rodeo; a bull actually jumped
    fence at one this past weekend, injured three people

  10. Very nice photo. The blue water stands out the most for me. The sky and water probably meet on a clear day and I wonder if you might not be able to tell where the water ends and the sky begins.

    Maybe one day, they'll replace the bulls with robotic bulls. BullBots or something.

  11. Jackie I like the view you shared. Recently at a bull riding event over here a bull got loose...
    No bull or human was hurt but Mr. Bull showed them just who is REALLY da boss.
    It took a while for the humans to corral him.
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. Beautiful photo!
    I'm with you and many others here – while the bullring is a part of local culture, I truly hope that all regions will eventually ban bullfighting.
    It's heartening to see that changes are starting to happen.

    Thanks for sharing, Jackie.

  13. I think bullfighting will probably be banned all over Spain before too long. Great aerial view, regardless. 👌

  14. Cn but hope all such activities globally are banned. A lovely vista none the less. Maybe they could repurpose the arena as a theatre?


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