Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Wordless Wednesday - Northern Lights

 As you can see, these are not photos taken by me but taken by the ship photographer. We were there though to see them. The last photo is one that I took.

This last photo was taken by me from our cabin balcony. Although I was using my better camera it didn't pick up the colours as well and I needed a t6ripod to keep the camera still.

I am joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the blog hop.


  1. What fab captures Jackie that must had been a brilliant experience
    Have a northerntastic week 👍

  2. Oh my gosh, it must have been beyond amazing to see the lights in person! Wow!

  3. Incredible these lights. I can not imagine to see them in the real life.
    A combination between magic and fiction.
    Happy WW, dear Jackie! Thank you for this beautiful green❤️😘


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